Thursday, September 17, 2009

My WEBsite helps me when I am sick

I have been sick with allergies, congestion, stuffy runny nose, fever and on top of that this unknown, undiagnosed illness. Pain, loss of energy, tired, oh I could just go on.
BUT, I am happy to say that I am not taking as much medication as before I started my website. I found out by buying a 7 day pill box organizer. I bought it because I was already forgetting if I took my medication or not. One day after I popped in and swallowed, My husband said "didn't I just give you that pill about 30 min ago" omygosh. So that's why I got it and I tell you what......I am not taking as much medication now I have my Ministry. I have been working on my website for a week now. I love this new website. It's what I would want to visit in a website. But there are still things I am adding. If you have not gone to see it..........WHAT are you waiting for? come on hurry, let me know what you think. I want your comments.
  1. What to add,
  2. what you would like to see,
  3. hear,
  4. read?
  5. Is it user friendly?
  6. Does it load fast?
  7. How does it look?
  8. is it friendly to the eyes,
  9. I want to add music when you click on the Prayer request page and Praise. Do you think its a good idea? or not?
  10. would you use the forum if it had one? (which it will)
For every computer my website will load different, so that is one of the many reasons I want your feedback.

I need your prayers, I am having another MaryKay party tonight and I feel to sick to host it. I really want to cancel but my best friend and the Bible says "let your yes be yes and your no be no, anything more than this is from the evil one. Ouch! I know its sometime impossible because of our sickness, but I really try to practice that "yes, yes no,no" because I do not like when some one does that to me. Unless of course of unusual circumstances. How about you?
  • Do you often leave people hanging?
  • Do you get to comfortable and say "someone else will go"
  • Do you lie to get out of a apt, commitment?
When It happens to me. I am so glad that I have someone to turn to that ALWAYS keeps his promises. NEVER leaves me hanging. I can trust His every work. He has written hundreds of promises to me and He is good on His every word. that someone is MY JESUS, My Savior, My everything.

God bless your weekend

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