Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I went to "Blessings" gift shop again. I bought my Son Aaron and Daughter Carly Jo a T-shirt eac. They have them on sale 2 for $25. and I got me business card holder. My cards were getting messed up. I am happy about having to get somemore done. I have been giving the out like candy. I put them in all the cards that I send also. I just realized a few days ago that I had not put a "Salvation" page on my website. DUH!! How could I forget that. A "Salvation" page is where people can go to this page and see what it is to have a Savior like Jesus Christ. If they don't already know Him. I tell you I need prayers!!!. I have been so busy these past days catching up after our SICK days/ Weeks. I have also been trying to go to sleep early. Early is like 10:30 pm and 12:00 am. I get up earlier, well about 9:00 am. but I have been able to get some work done. I have most of the October list for Birthday Cards to send out. I need to get Birthday Cards from the store. I KNOW! I should make some but I dont have time and I will not be able to make some. But I am going to get some great ones from "Roy Lessen" wow, he has some great cards. The saying that he has on the cards are so touching. How I wish I had words like that. God has given him a great gift. Roy is also co-founder of Dayspring Cards.

God has given all gifts. Do you know what your are. We can have more than one gift. If you don't know what your is, ask God to show you, and when you do find out what it is go all out for Jesus and use your gifts for His honor and glory.

Monday, September 28, 2009

My Firstborn Son Happy Birthday

My firstborn son Aaron has been granted anither year of life by the Lord. He is 21 years young. Thank You Jesus for him. You gave me such a wounderful son. He came to visit for two days. We had him and my daughter Carly Jo a small party for them this Sunday. Carly Jo will be 16 on Thursday. My children are growing up so so fast. I just am grateful that they love the Lord and that He is their savior. I'm going to make this post and the next probably short because I am behind on some projects that I am doing and work that I have to do for the Lord. I need your prayers to catch up. Thanks

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I went shopping for Cards yesterday at my favorite book store. I just love being there. Its so peaceful. Bambi is so nice too. I have been praying about the store. Asking God to get people to go and buy things to get business up. I got six boxes of cards. There is this one favorite of mine. A Russel guy. I just love the words. So She will order me some birthday one from him. These cards are all "Dayspring" cards. Very nice. There is another bookstore I "use to" shop at that are having a sale. Buy two boxes of cards, get one free. I could have gone to that store but I didn't. I want to support my store and give it my business. Yes, I could have gotten two of the six boxes free but, I would have spent money on gas (it's out of my town) and besides she gave me a 10% discount for being in the Ministry. So i am sure it evened out. I will have to go back tomorrow because I forgot something. I need a business card holder. And they have some BEAUTIFUL ones there. great designs.

This weather is making my bones ache more than usual, but no complaints about the rain. Thank You Jesus we are getting rain. And I love this cooler weather. I like it more than the hot weather.

Y'all have got to check out this website. there are some great material for those that have chronic illness.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I had not posted in awhile. I have been very very sick. Almost 2 weeks of sickness. And then my whole family gets sick too. My husband, Son and Daughters. The worst is when my baby girl Elizabeth was sick... Oh how I cried. every time she cried, I cried. I knew she was in pain. It was awful. My poor baby. I did not take her to the Hospital because "they" The call a nurse people said there were to many sick people with flu and other things that it would be too dangerous since she is only 7 months. She is better now. It was a three day fever thing. She is still not up to her usual self but she is getting there.

God is good to us. He is our healer and we shall be healed.

I was still doing the Lords work on my Interceding Ministry and my Card ministry. Some, okay most of the cards that were for birthdays were late because of being sick. I am not going to do that again. I am going to send them out on the first of the month. It will be better that the persons receive the cards early than late. I learn by my mistakes. I hope. I am trying to get a donation gadget on my blog and website for people if they want to donate to this Ministry. I need to pay for my website and to buy readymade cards and supplies for the handmade. (readymade for when I am sick and not able to make some cards) And Stamps of course. The list of the people I am giving cards to is growing. I am happy about that. It's fun to give.

I ask for your prayers so that God will continue to provide and help me and heal my body so as not to be in so much pain. Thanks for reading my blog. Please leave a comment so I know who you are and please leave your
Birth MONTH and DAY only (NO YEAR)
And I will put you on the card list.
Dont forget to check out my website to post your prayer request and praise reports.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Stewardship- Blessings

I went to my favorite Christian book store here in my hometown. It might have to close down because of slow business. Oh No! I want to do all I can to help her (Bambi) "Blessings" is the name of the store and it is awesome. The prices are VERY reasonable. Very!! It has a great selection of items, and there is something for everyone. The ambiance is so welcoming and I just hate to see it leave. I myself had not been there in awhile I hate to admit. But no longer. Besides My card Ministry along with my Interceding Ministry needs this store.

How many times has your stores closed? The ones you shop at? My store Fashion Bug was in San Marcos and they closed. Now I have to go to Austin to do my shopping. They have an online store but I like to try on and see what they feel and look like.

I am so glad that Our Lord Jesus Christ is faithful. We never have to worry about Him closing up shop. He is faithful to us whether we go to Him or not, Whether we seek His goods in His store house for what we need and want or if we seek elsewhere for them.
God has called us to be good stewards of His money and gifts He has given us. We will give account of our stewardship.
Luke 16: 1, 2
1He also said to His disciples: " There was a certain rich man who had a steward, and an accusation was brought to him that this man was wasting his goods. 2So he called and said to him, "What is this I hear about you? Give an account of your stewardship, for you can no longer be a steward."
He was wasting his masters goods. Are you wasting your masters goods? I think I was.
God is the Creator and Owner of all things. All that is we have in our possession comes as a gift from His hands. (Acts 17:25) Our Master Jesus Christ will ultimately require an accounting of each persons stewardship (2 Cor. 5:10)
We Christian can prepare for that day of accountability by taking seriously our stewardship responsibilities. Whether the managed resource is time, talent or money, we stewards should avoid wasting, and make sure we maximise the return and above all else assure that the investment is pleasing to God.
Time should be used wisely; talents should be shared to edify others and glorify God; money should be spent carefully and given responsibly.
So there, I will spend my money at places that help further the Kingdom of God. And that will be my Christian book store in Seguin TX. "BLESSINGS" If you live in the nearby area, go and visit. you are sure to be blessed. And don't forget to tell them "Felcares Ministry" sent you. I am not getting anything by sending you. I just want her to know that I am trying all I can to spread the word about her shop. I will benefit though by the shop staying here.
Please pray for this store, and that God will continue to keep it open for His Honor, Glory and Praise.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My WEBsite helps me when I am sick

I have been sick with allergies, congestion, stuffy runny nose, fever and on top of that this unknown, undiagnosed illness. Pain, loss of energy, tired, oh I could just go on.
BUT, I am happy to say that I am not taking as much medication as before I started my website. I found out by buying a 7 day pill box organizer. I bought it because I was already forgetting if I took my medication or not. One day after I popped in and swallowed, My husband said "didn't I just give you that pill about 30 min ago" omygosh. So that's why I got it and I tell you what......I am not taking as much medication now I have my Ministry. I have been working on my website for a week now. I love this new website. It's what I would want to visit in a website. But there are still things I am adding. If you have not gone to see it..........WHAT are you waiting for? come on hurry, let me know what you think. I want your comments.
  1. What to add,
  2. what you would like to see,
  3. hear,
  4. read?
  5. Is it user friendly?
  6. Does it load fast?
  7. How does it look?
  8. is it friendly to the eyes,
  9. I want to add music when you click on the Prayer request page and Praise. Do you think its a good idea? or not?
  10. would you use the forum if it had one? (which it will)
For every computer my website will load different, so that is one of the many reasons I want your feedback.

I need your prayers, I am having another MaryKay party tonight and I feel to sick to host it. I really want to cancel but my best friend and the Bible says "let your yes be yes and your no be no, anything more than this is from the evil one. Ouch! I know its sometime impossible because of our sickness, but I really try to practice that "yes, yes no,no" because I do not like when some one does that to me. Unless of course of unusual circumstances. How about you?
  • Do you often leave people hanging?
  • Do you get to comfortable and say "someone else will go"
  • Do you lie to get out of a apt, commitment?
When It happens to me. I am so glad that I have someone to turn to that ALWAYS keeps his promises. NEVER leaves me hanging. I can trust His every work. He has written hundreds of promises to me and He is good on His every word. that someone is MY JESUS, My Savior, My everything.

God bless your weekend

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sorry I have been, SICK! Web site, Carly Jo scare

It's been a week and two days since I posted. I have been really really sick. I am still sick, but decided to let you know what is happening. Felisha is sick with fever, headaches, congestion and throat pain like me. But it will pass. It just hard not being able to give my baby kisses while I am sick. I don't want er to get sick too.

I started a NEW WEBSITE. I just could not put everything I wanted on the other website that I had. But it ready to be viewed. There are new things that I want on there but the main thing that I wanted is a prayer request page. And a praise report/ testimony page. I think these are very important. This is my ministry, well my husbands and mine. We both pray over the prayer request. He is very much involved in this. He gives his input on what to put on the web also. And we have a list of subjects that we are gathering helpful information so the viewers can get encouragement and useful tools to use in their daily struggles and walks of life. Your prayers on this website are greatly appreciated. We need wisdom as to what God wants to be put on there.
Please go check it out! and leave a comment. Thanks!!

Carly Jo scared us yesterday, I had to call 911 to get an ambulance to come see her. She was screaming, crying, on the floor all doubled up in stomach pain. She was so scared. And it scared us too. I prayed for her and massaged her stomach to see if it would help but then she started throwing up. I dialed 911 thinking its her apendicts. I called her daddy to come home an help with our baby. Him and the ambulance got here at the same time. He ran in started praying for her and she calmed down right away. It was awesome. the pain was still there but she could talk and was more calm. By the time she was in the ambulance she said the pain was almost half what it was. And when we got to the hospital waiting there it was down to just a small amount of tolerable pain. The doctor was not sure what it was, cramps she thought but it doesn't matter. What matters is that God used my husband to help her. Thank you Jesus we have you to go to when we are in trouble. Now we are just praising Him.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I was in bed all day! Marriage Class

I was in bed all day again. My medications are not helping anymore. I need divine Healing from my Savior Jesus Christ. The Lord is my Healer and I SHALL be healed! I keep saying this to myself. I know one day I will be free from all pain. When I meet my Healer face to face, What a glorious time it will be, My body pains and emotional hurts, to forget forevermore!!! Praise be to my GOD!!!

I finally got up after two of my sisters (In Christ) called to see if I was going to the Marriage class. I really was not going to go but they needed things to be taken so I made myself get up to a warm shower and then off we went. I am so glad we went. It was fun. We had food and a simple but powerful lesson.

We need to pray for the marriages of this world. The devil is out to destroy them. Destroying marriages will destroy a family and it just goes on and on. There is no good things that come out of divorces. Yes there are great reasons to get divorces especially where there is abuse involved, but it still hurts people.
It is the wise man who does not allow the misbehavior of another person to negatively

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Church, MarKay & my Son

I went to church. late..Thank God for the sister that called. I stayed in the car the whole church service. Thank God I was parked right next to the tent. I just opend the window a little and stayed with my baby. She was not feeling good and I was in a lot of pain also so we just listened to the sermon. There was a baby dedication also. I just love those. I will have to later tell you about my daughters and post some pics. But for now back to my day with pain. My son tells me that he got pass to go home for a couple of hours and he brought a friend with him. I was happy and sad at the same time. Happy he was coming for a visit, sad that I was going to be cleaning and getting ready for the party and not spending too much time with him. I was in so much pain but I had help from everybody with the cleaning.  Then came the party. Not too many people showed up, but it was nice. I got some free make-up. I need more so I am having another party in two weeks. Pluse some people couldnt come so maybe they can come to this next one. My son was kinda dissapointed that I couldnt spend time with him but His next visit He's going to spend two days with us. YAY! God bless you all who came to the party and those who will come next time.

The Lord is close to all who call on Him, Yes, To all who call on Him in truth.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Party, Party, Parties!

I went to my best friends grandsons first Birthday Party. it was such a nice party. There were gifts for everyone. Wow, but thats my best friend for you. Instead of just getting gifts she gives too. God bless you Deven and may He give you many more Happy Birthdays!!!!

Then we went to my Brother-in-laws Party he was making for his son, Arturo. I saw an old friend that i use to work with a long time ago. Its a SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL!! I really had fun time catching up with her. My daughter also said she had fun.. Small and nice party. Happy Birthday Arturo. God bless you also with many more....

And now i have to get some invitations ready to give for tomorrows MaryKay Party that I am hosting. I hope i get a lot of orders.. I need new makeup. for free. But most of all I hope everybody has a good time and enjoys themselves.

I made my first decorated can.... a Present foPrince Deven

Friday, September 4, 2009

Slept most of the day away! Margie!!!Did you find me?

Wow. I slept most of the day away. I was in such awful pain today. I think it was the sun and all the walking from yesterday. But I still did some work. I called a sister that was sick. She had just got out of Surgery. It was crazy that she was ministering to me while she was sick. How great is God. And when she was in the Hospital in pain she was ministering to someone there also. Wow. I did make a few phone calls to invite people to my MaryKay party as well. I hope people show up, not just to buy bit to fellowship. I pray God will give me the strength to clean my home and make refreshment, well my sister Rosemary is helping me with Snacks. I thank God for her.

Margie did you finally get in and find me. Ugh I cant believe that I forgot to add the http:// to my cards so people could find my blog. Margie who was buying her family some toys at the store was the first that I gave a card too. And then Lupe tells me she could not get in. So i tried to find the problem ant that was it. I forgot to add http: in front. now i have to go do all my cards and

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tired long today

I went to take friend to eye doctor, then to shop @ walmart, left the keys in the car, called my love to open the door to get the keys. Thank God he had just got out of work.  I stayed out in the sun a little too long. Yes, I am sensitive to the sun. so is my baby. Then we went to bank, then to pick up my husband from home, then we went to SM outlet. Rue to buy my son Aaron some shirts. Good sale...then went to Christian Book store, bought Aaron a bi-lingual Bible that he wanted (needed), his old one was very worn out, Good sign that he uses it alot. Bought a friend a book and myself a prayer book also. I am dragging by this time, but I leave back home, took a 30 min. nap, got dressed went to church, stayed in car with baby. Talked to my Sister-in-Christ Lupe (I really like her), we encouraged each other, I saw my son Aaron and Felisha, yay, stoped at CVS to get mango ice cream, they are delish.... then we went to Wal-Mart to put gas then HOME FINALLY!!!! I am going to sleep early today. well earlier than other days.
Thank you Jesus for my blessed family.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I am being prayed for!

I am being prayed for. I can feel it. How you say. Well my world feels like it has turned upside down, but I feel at peace. It sounds crazy but it really isn't. You see, God gives us a PEACE THAT SURPASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING. Don't get me wrong. I am hurting and I feel like crying when I remember my baby girl, but i still feel at peace. The Lord My God is with me through this. Wow. I serve a mighty God!!! I am so grateful for the people that are praying for me. My Pastors, Rob and Abran and my sister Rosemary and Bestfriend Bonnie and all the Victory Home Sisters. I thank them and I ask God's blessings on them.
BTW, I saw her today. She came sneeking in but i caught her. I wanted to cry and run and hug her, but all i could do was watch her. i know God is with her and His Holy Spirit is convicting her. How about you. are you going through something and have no peace. Ask for His Peace that Surpasses all understaning. Ask people to pray for you while this is over. Because this too shall pass like all the other struggles. Its hard to get your mind off your trouble and remember what God has brought you out of, but thats the best way to deal with "this" whatever it may be. Remember I am praying for you. I pray for all who read my blog. God bless you and may you find peace in Him.

Heart broken

My baby girl moved out last night. I am devastated. How can my little girl just leave like this? she has been gone from my side for 3 days out of her whole 18 year life. My heart is breaking in pieces. funny how this blog is mostly about her. Sorry i have to stop writing because I cant see the screen anymore. i am crying again.